Mom Mondays!

Starting next week team will be bringing you a weekly post completely dedicated to the women who brought us in to this world (and as my mom likes to remind me, can just as easily take us out!)

Each Monday, our posts will help shine some insight on the best ways moms can approach their daughters with sticky issues, but also remind them just how amazing they are themselves!

If you want to honor a mom in your life, write to telling us how inspirational she is and include a pic or two. We want to showcase the incredible women in our lives and show girls what a REAL woman is!

“My Story” by Tasha Ann

The TBIM family welcomes Tasha Ann as a contributor!

Tasha is a 23 year old actress who moved to New York from her home town in Indiana to continue in pursuing her passion. Her inspirations are that of the legendary Marilyn Monroe and the timeless Audrey Hepburn. Tasha, herself having battled a binge eating disorder as a teenager, conquered it and wants to share her story with other young girls who are struggling with the same issues.



“You know, if you lost weight, the boys would be all over you,” a family member said to me as we drove through a hot August day towards the local Kmart. It was the week of my 10th Birthday and I was being driven to the store for the next size up in jeans and a couple training bras.

For my birthday that year, I’d gotten puberty. I noticed that I was already different than most of the girls in my class, with wide-set hips and the beginning of breasts. It wasn’t only the girls in class that I didn’t look like. I was also a far cry from the girls on TV or in the magazines. I felt confused, meek, and inadequate. I felt unworthy of being a woman and at 10, I was already sure that was too tall an order for me to fill. Now, on top of that, I should be concerned that , at my present weight, I will not attract a suitable mate? Shouldn’t women have been past that by the 1990’s?

While we were riding in the car, and at the store (when I had to shop in the juniors department instead of the kids) it really did seem like a legitimate concern. After all, this particular family member had wanted to put me on a diet since age five, so she had clearly been concerned that I was a ball of lard for many years before she finally told me about it, at least in my mind.

This type of thinking stayed with me through Junior High, and through High School, into my early years of adulthood. As was predicted, I did have trouble finding guys who wanted to date me, and that added to my illusions of inferiority. Though I know now know the popular quote “No one will love you until you love yourself” was both my disease and my cure. I wish I could write that I quickly learned this, and overcame the obstacles to be the happy healthy attractive person I am now. That is not how my story plays out.

I made it halfway through 21 harboring the genuine belief that I was grotesque, obese and unlovable. It wasn’t until the spring of that year something changed. For the first time, maybe since I can remember, I looked in the mirror. Really looked, free of judgments and other people’s expectations. I am not sure I can say I had ever done this before. I took the time, really stopped and asked, “what is so bad about me?” and my answer was surprising. There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with me!

From that moment on, I began to be kinder to myself.  I realized that I don’t have control over what my family thinks about me, or what the media thinks. The only thing I can control is loving myself as much as I deserve to be loved by others. Amazingly, I’ve found that once I do that, most other people love me too, regardless of weight or hair color or skin clarity (or any other trivial thing that we are told makes us valuable). I realized that it’s who I am that makes me beautiful, I realized that maybe I had been pretty great all along.

It was a long journey for me, but hopefully with the help of programs like TheBeautifulInMe, young girls will no longer need to struggle with feelings of inadequacy. I hope that parents, extended families and the media will realize the effect they are having on our nation’s girls. They are young, beautiful and precious. They are our future and they deserve much better than we had.

5 Ways to Boost Your Daughter’s Self Esteem

While there a many ways to help nurture your daughter’s self esteem, here are 5 ways to get you started!


From the second she is born, let her know how absolutely rockin’ she is each and every day. This may seem to be an obvious thing to do, but research shows that girls with low self esteem have either parent giving less praise and more criticism. You can never tell your daughter enough that you think she’s pretty cool.


You don’t want to raise a “yes” woman, do you? Encourage your daughter to use her own voice and that what she has to say has value. Having your little girl know her opinions matter now, will help her kick any @ss hole who said otherwise to the curb later in life. The more you speak for her, the less she will have a chance to grow in to her own.

3) EXPOSE THAT $*%@-

We as adults may know all the hoopla that goes in to the ads or commercials we see, but odds are your daughter doesn’t. When a girl looks at a model in a magazine, she doesn’t take in to account the hours a team spends on getting the model to look like that. Hair extensions, false eye lashes, spray tans, make up, lip injections, implants, photo shop, etc… She needs someone to remind her that this is a fantasy that a marketing team come up with and not reality.


Have your daughter can sign up for soccer, softball, cheerleading, and other sports. Or if she lacks any form of coordination, help her find her niche. Maybe it’s more artistic, maybe more scientific. Encouraging your daughter in her passion will give her courage in exploring her potential.


Show your daughter to take her problems head on rather than avoid them by being an example yourself. Having her learn this great quality will get her to take on challenges and approach frustrations realistically.


We would love to hear your ideas on how to get our girls to know how bad @ss they are! Let us know in the commments below!

Some facts….


A clinical research conducted by psychologist Robin F. Goodman found that girls’ self-esteem peaks at 9 years old. Then begins to crash once media, hormones, and peer pressure take it’s toll. According to the NYU Child Study Center, at the age of 15 clinically depressed girl out number boys 2 to 1. At the age of 9 is where half of girls report that having been on a type of diet, by the time they reach 8th grade this increases to 80% of girls. It was said in a Dove campaign that girls who watched TV commercials featuring underweight models lose self-confidence and become more dissatisfied with their own bodies. This is quoting a research conducted at Flinders University in Australia.

It was found at the Girl Scout Research Institute that one-third of all girls in grades 9 to 12 think they are overweight, and 60% are trying to lose weight. More studies from Girls Scouts of the USA show that 57% of girls have fasted, gone on diets, used food substitutes, or smoked cigarettes in attempt to lose weight. It also states that messages girls receive from the media can damage their feelings of self worth and negatively affect their behaviors. More than one in four girls surveyed feel pressure from the media to have a ‘perfect’ body. As a result, girls are beginning to question their own body and 50-70% of girls of healthy/normal weight believe they are overweight. The Dove Campaign, “Negative Feelings About Their Looks Cause Majority of Girls to Disengage From Life” found that more than 90% of girls (15 to 17 years old) want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance, with body weight ranking the highest. From this study, nearly of quarter would consider undergoing plastic surgery and 13% acknowledge having an eating disorder. In the last 20 years, anorexia has doubled along with teen suicide.

Websites supporting pro anorexia, also known as “pro ana”, are where girls go to find others with the same mindset as them. And to fuel their desires to be thin. They deliver various mantras called ‘thinspirations’ and blog about the struggles they have with food on a daily basis. They believe that “nothing tastes as good as being thin feels’ and post pictures of models who severely underweight claiming that this is what true beauty is and being fat is the ultimate form of ugly.

It is up to US to bring awareness to these issues!


In our hopes to bring as much diversity to this site, we are looking for guest contributors!

Whether you are a published writer or just a girl trying to make her own way through this crazy world, we want to hear from you!

For more information, please contact us at

A little bit about us…

Based in New York City, theBEAUTIFULinME has access to a largely diverse group of women to bring in to show young girls the limitless possibilities they have before them. This website will offer parents, teachers, counselors, and mentors information through blogs, videos, articles, and interviews.  And give them the ability to help girls nurture their confidence and have them ready to take on the world. It is also a place for girls to visit and understand that what makes them different, is what makes them beautiful. It also is to show women that their life does not begin and end by a number! This will be shown by showcasing women of all ages leading spectacular lives and show that men are not the only one’s who get more distinguished with age!

The website will also offer information on living a healthy lifestyle while enjoying a cupcake now and then. To teach girls that it is good to have discipline in their lives but not have it turn in to an obsession of what they must be to be accepted.